The Tron 7.0 helicopter offers a variety of gear ratios to fit different needs of the pilot - high headspeed, or low headspeed. Depending on setup, the tail gear ratios can be changed with the available sizes to get the best tail rotor performance no matter the headspeed set for the model. Larger/higher ratios will provide increased tail rotor RPM. Smaller/lower ratios will provide less tail rotor RPM.
The 22T and 23T options are packaged with a new pulley which must be changed from the original kit to ensure proper belt tension.
MANUFACTURER NOTE: DO NOT EXCEED 1600RPM Headspeed when equipped with the 22T or 23T tail pulley! Failure to comply will result in mechanical failure!
Tail Gear Ratios:
22T: 5.77:1
23T: 5.52:1
25T (7.0 Standard): 5.08:1
This product was added to our catalog on July 23, 2021