Western Robotics Spectrum Audible Buzzer

Western Robotics Spectrum Audible Buzzer
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This is the Western Robotics Spectrum Audible Buzzer. This Spectrum Buzzer is specifically designed for Western Robotics’ Spectrum LiPo Battery Monitors and the Hercules Linear Battery Eliminator Circuit. The Spectrum Buzzer compliments the Spectrum LiPo Battery Monitor and Hercules Linear by providing a high decibel audible warning to the model operator when the unit reports it’s low battery strength level at the red or yellow visual warnings.

  • High decibel buzzer for audible low battery indicator
  • Sound output of 92 dBA
  • Resonant frequency of 2.2kHz
  • Small and compact size
  • Easy installation
Height: 14.0mm
Width: 16.0mm
Weight: 7.1 grams

This product was added to our catalog on January 3, 2011