Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Engine Fuel (One Quart)

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This is one quart of Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Fuel. Traxxas Top Fuel has been specifically formulated to provide optimum performance and lifespan with Traxxas Engines, and is made specifically for cars and trucks. Cars and trucks place incredible demands on engines and fuel. Top Fuel uses both castor and synthetic oil. Synthetic oil provides excellent high-tech lubrication for your engine and allows rapid throttle response. Castor oil provides additional high temperature lubrication and over-lean protection. The oil percentages are specially balanced to provide just the right amount of lubrication for long engine life and to provide the crisp clean throttle response you demand in a car fuel. Top Fuel also contains anti foaming agents and corrosion inhibitors to maintain stability and peak performance in hostile Nitro environments.

The long-term performance reputation of Traxxas engines is on the line with each tank of fuel, so you can be confident that the lubrication package in Top Fuel Power Plus is going to be just right, time-after-time. Top Fuel Power Plus is the only fuel that is specifically formulated for maximizing the performance of Traxxas engines. Traxxas certifies that Top Fuel is simply the best fuel for your Traxxas engine.

Top Fuel is a premium fuel and may not be the least expensive fuel you can buy. The reason, it takes the highest quality ingredients and sophisticated blending machines to make a superior-performing fuel. Saving a few pennies using lower grade ingredients or widening the blending tolerances with lesser machines just won't do when it comes to Top Fuel. Our engines are precision machines built to exacting tolerances. The fuel must have the same intense requirements for quality and consistency. Only the absolute highest grades of methyl alcohol, nitromethane, and lubricants are used.

Traxxas Top Fuel 33% adds 10% more nitro than standard 30% racing fuels, delivering even more power and acceleration from just about any nitro engine. Some 30% racing fuels make you sacrifice lubrication and engine life in order to enjoy the benefits of higher nitro. Traxxas fuel gives you the same great protection and engine life you expect with all the performance benefits high nitro racing fuel has to offer.

This product was added to our catalog on January 11, 2008

Daniel Yaugo
Monday, Apr 22 2019 (about 5 years ago)
Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Engine Fuel (One Quart)
Scotty I agree with Byron's but never had any issues with TRAXXAS. Aaron you and your dad both are complete idiots!! You don't lite the fuel on fire or use it to burn leaves you moron. That wasn't the intent purpose of the fuel. You both should be strung up dangled over a pit of alligators for your stupidity!!
Monday, Oct 23 2017 (about 7 years ago)
Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Engine Fuel (One Quart)
This fuel is great!! Been running it in my traxxas nitro 4tec 3.3 for many years no issues with the fuel or engine...easy tuning and temps around 275 and the engine seems happy!
Friday, Apr 30 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Engine Fuel (One Quart)
I normally ran odonnell 40 and 50% race fuels in my hyper 7 but I bought a new tmaxx and revo so I tryed this fuel. I put a picco .26 maxx in the t maxx and an OS .21 tm in the revo. I had tuning problems to the extent that I called ofna and sent the picco in for analysis, the first thing he asked me was what fuel do I run. When I told him traxxas he said thats my problem. He put byrons fuel in the engine and had it tuned in minutes.I put odonnell in my revo and tuning issues were gone. I even had issues with the stock 3.3 motor running this fuel.
Aaron Cavanaugh
Wednesday, Jan 10 2018 (about 7 years ago)
Traxxas Top Fuel 33% Nitro Engine Fuel (One Quart)
Works great... For cleaning out my carb on my TRX 2.5 engine for rebuilds and cleaning... higher nitro content= more effective cleaner/degreaser... plus when i am done with the fuel i used for cleaning.. i burn my leaves and papers with it (beneifts of country living with nobody around lol!)... but be careful, one stray ember WILL cause ANY nitro fuel to BOOM (the fresher the fuel and also higher the nitro the more aggressive it burns)! Ask my dad when i gave him 10% nitro top fuel and he poured the fuel from the can into a little cup about 15 feet away from an open fire/flame... fumes from the fuel made a rather scary pop as the can EXPLODED and some of the fuel still burning landed on his foot and nitro fuel has a little oil in it so it burnt/singed the top of his foot a little on the top and the boom made his ears ring a little... luckily this was only 2 cups of 4 year old 10% nitro (I have 33% that i use for cleaning and almost 3/4 of a gallon but left uncapped a little long...)... another reminder: Do NOT leave fresh nitro fuel uncapped for long... You WILL ruin the fuel!

(Long term use/edit)..

Yeah sorry used only a little doing leaves (I don't anymore it's stupid doing that).. I'd change my review now to 1 star due to the fact I learned this fuel is ridiculously high in oil content (18% oil! In a gallon of nitro that is 23.04 ounces of just oil!) That seems to hold in the heat and make engine harder to tune for me.. someone told me it's better to use 8-11% oil blends using 20% nitro or better yet to use a 30% nitro 9-10% oil blend (your engine will tune easier, Run cooler and have more power...).. I only have run trx 2.5 and 2 trx 3.3 engines (each is different.. the 2.5 was first in my maxx ran good on weekend racer fuel but I was a newbie with nitro till I learned better then Fantom fuel stopped being offered at my local shop so I went to traxxas 20 and it felt ok till it overheated snd I tried next vp basher 20 feels best.. then upgraded my maxx to 3.3 engine running only vp basher 20 works well and same fuel also in my revo 3.3 it feels decent but it got hot bad once making good power but gonna try another fuel.. higher nitro at 30% and definitely try less oil with an ERCM pipe I've on order rn...) I've heard amazing success with a 3.3 engine using a losi 3.4 carb or OS 11K carb, heavy duty or new con rod, uprated bearings (korean or asian make with abec 5 or higher rating), and an ercm pipe are the secrets to having a really good runnkng and reliable 3.3 engine that'll last forever! (3.3 engine and 2.5 both use same carb from the 2.5, it's too small for 3.3 as you'll get better power and especially a tune you won't have to chase or exaggerate with stock plastic carb and no more worries about stripping the carb body).. traxxas take note, step up quality control a little more, lessen your hype being more realistic, and listen to some of your customers.. we love your products including myself but they could be a little better yet for newbies and veterans... only traxxas fuel I'd even use rn is their 33% blend to help offset the overly excessive oil content.. don't even bother with their 10% nitro it is not worth it (tried it once it barely would run and I had to lean it so much it's ridiculous to barely get it going decent enough), 20% will work I guess in a pinch but there's better fuels out there.. maybe I got a bad batch who knows? Remember this.. a regular 2 stroke engine in a leaf blowe or other 2 stroke including a chainsaw run on 50:1 gas/oil mix (thats 2.6 ounces of oil to the gallon of gas that's 128 ounces.. so do the math.. even 8% in a gallon of rc nitro fuel is 10.24 ounces of oil.. plenty for modern nitro engines I hear running ABC piston/sleeve assemblies that is new norm.. older ABN Aluminum piston with Brass Nickle plates sleeve were older ones needed extra oil especially castor oil to keep them running long lives.. so modern engined can do just fine with long life on lower oil fuels, while older ones benefit from more oil).. do your research and run the math.. i heard traxxas engines tend to and love running hotter than most other engines (250-280F is their sweet spot or I've had mine hit 300 and enjoy it while not suffering problems.. I cut the bodies and even left them off only burning a glow plug out with after run oil as standard after maintenance after every day I run them keeps them fine)... keep ntiro alive and always.... keep burning nitro!