Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo

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Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo
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This is a replacement Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo.


  • 80 oz-in torque
  • Transit time 0.23 sec/60°

This product was added to our catalog on February 29, 2008

Jay G
Wednesday, Mar 20 2024 (about a year ago)
Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo
It's an OEM replacement, you can find faster with more torque, metal gears, waterproof for similar price. This was slow in comparison to its replacement. I have no bad experience other than it is what it is and it's performance is fine for many. For me, faster with more torque at same voltage was my need. I'm not pulling much more from esc's because with servo switch.
Rob H
Thursday, Jun 11 2020 (about 4 years ago)
Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo
Stock servo in Traxxas Slayer Pro. It lasted a gallon then the steering got crunchy, then became left steer only, and started buzzing like crazy. Wonder how many more tanks the throttle servo has left before it does the same thing. It already seems like its getting weaker/slower -_-
Donnie Miller
Thursday, Aug 2 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Traxxas High Torque Waterproof Servo
I’m looking for this product hoping to receive it in couple days