Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo

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Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
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This is a replacement Traxxas Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo.

125 oz-in
0.17 sec/60°

This product was added to our catalog on June 20, 2008

Monday, Jul 16 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
Not the worst servo, but really only good for those just entering the hobby or those who just want to do a little light "bashing". Definitely not up to track use and tends to strip under heavy use. Laggy and generally sluggish with not much torque. If you've managed to use yours up, a few bucks on a better servo would be very well spent. In my opinion this servo is one of the weakest points of any platform it's in, and most hobbyists agree!
Mike Reliford
Wednesday, Sep 12 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
It would be nice see Traxxas upgrade this servo as it has been in use for 10+ years now. This servo is far from being considered high torque in 2018 as you can get servos this size with nearly 4x the torque. At this same price point you can get either double the torque of this servo or double the speed. Aside from the subpar performance, the gears in the servo are very weak and will strip under load. If you want to stay with a Traxxas servo, order the TRA2075X servo with metal gears. But my advice is to order a high quality servo from Spektrum, Savox, Hitec, etc and get much better performance and reliability.
Eissa Alqubaisi
Friday, Apr 12 2019 (about 5 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
condition 1 change the internal parts to (TRA2072R) Metal Servo Gear Set.
Denis Barinov
Friday, Jul 27 2012 (about 12 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
Very good Servo! I bought it in Second Hand :) & use it on throttle/brake.
It has a true 10kg torque. & a true waterproof - thick rubber rings in case for all aperture & slots.
It has a steel gear drive, but it has a plastic basic shaft (for sservo horn).
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Apr 11 2012 (about 12 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
This is great servo I have it on my hpi e firestorm flux and it way better than the sf10w that aw junk I like that it water proof and yea can handle so much
Sunday, Mar 1 2009 (about 16 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
I run this one in my AX10 crawler and it works perfectly. It cranks out plenty of torque and it's waterproof to boot. It has definitely proven itself capable of withstanding repeated blows from rocks. Get a servo saver to go with it.
Sunday, Apr 10 2011 (about 13 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
I upgraded to the 2075 in my Revo 3.3. I had the standard 'non' waterproof servos before, which I never had an issue with. The 2075 gears are made of inferior plastic as I have stripped both steering servos. I am looking to upgrade to a metal gear servo. I am not sure if this is the case with all of the traxxas waterproof servos, but I even stripped out the 2065 shift servo.
Verified Owner
Thursday, Dec 9 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
I ran this servo in my 4wd Buggy and it's great! I really like the fact that its waterproof. It also has tons of torque to point my buggy in the right direction. Definitly thumbs up!
Sunday, May 31 2009 (about 15 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
real great servo for most apps but do not use in a super class crawler bad bad bad but for a basic upgrade servo this is good
Saturday, Jun 19 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
I put this servo in my ax10 and it lasted about 10 minutes.I have gone through 3 sets of gears. It's like the motor is more powerful than the gears can handle. Love the water proof feature but hate the durability. Got a servo saver for the last set of gears
Dropped of a 1ft ledge and blew the spring into the oblivion. Wound up using a aluminum servo horn. 2 minutes and one bad hit on a rock later and that servo woudn't move one millimeter. Only good thing about this is that I learned how tuff those robitronic servo horns are. :(
Saturday, Sep 20 2008 (about 16 years ago)
Traxxas 2075 Digital High Torque Waterproof Servo
Great Servo! I have it in my Jato for Steering and it's great! And waterproof:)