TDK Repair Gen 2 Tire Sauce Refill (12oz)

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Price: $38.99

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TDK Repair Gen 2 Tire Sauce Refill. This nearly odorless, yet extremely effective sauce that provides a quick break-in and gives tremendous traction. TDK Gen 2 helps your tires and foams last longer compared to TDK High Grip yet provides the most traction of the TDK tire sauce options. Gen 2 tire sauce has been developed to be bio-degradable and able to work with modern synthetic compounds while providing improved tire life and foam life. For On-Road, TDK Gen 2 will work best on grey carpet or asphalt tracks. Package includes one 12oz bottle refill.

NOTE: TDK Gen 2 may freeze below 60F, this is normal and does NOT affect the sauce. Please thaw until it is entirely a liquid before use.

This product was added to our catalog on April 13, 2023