Spaz Stix "Solid White" Glow Backer Spray Paint (3.5oz)

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Price: $8.49

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This is a 3.5 ounce can of Spaz Stix "Solid White" Glow Backer Spray Paint. Use this paint to back the Spaz Stix glow in the dark paints. Spaz Stix is the premier brand when it comes to high-end RC Paints... whether your a seasoned PRO or just breaking into the industry you'll find that nothing beats Spaz Stix when it comes to un-surpassed quality and ease of use!


This product was added to our catalog on March 24, 2010

Aaron Kauffman
Verified Owner
Monday, Feb 20 2023 (about 2 years ago)
Spaz Stix "Solid White" Glow Backer Spray Paint (3.5oz)
The color is good but the paint flakes and scrapes off easily. And the nozzle splatters a lot. I would go with Tamiya paint instead.
Dan Clontz
Thursday, Jan 19 2023 (about 2 years ago)
Spaz Stix "Solid White" Glow Backer Spray Paint (3.5oz)
This paint did not work for me. Flakes off the body pretty easy.
Patrick Littleton
Verified Owner
Saturday, May 4 2013 (about 11 years ago)
Spaz Stix "Solid White" Glow Backer Spray Paint (3.5oz)
Good stuff. Goes on easy and works as advertised. Used with the Spaz Stix's Florescent paints, it looks good. I recommend taking the masks off the windows before painting with this backing paint. Gives the body an interesting look with white windows.