Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo (High Voltage)

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Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
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Price: $104.99

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Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Metal Gear Servo.


  • Combines leading edge technology with super high 12 bit (4096) resolution.
  • Ideal for 1/10 on road vehicles, 1/10 scale off road, and helis.
  • Brushless motor provides longer life and cooler operating temps.
  • Full Aluminum Case
  • Unique Steel Gears

Torque @ 6v:
Torque @ 7.4v: 15.0kg/208.3.3oz-in
Speed @ 6v: 0.11 sec/60 deg
Speed @ 7.4v: 0.085 sec/60 deg
Dimensions L x W x H (mm): 40.8 x 20.2 x 25.4
Weight: 57.0g

This product was added to our catalog on January 18, 2018

Verified Owner
Wednesday, Mar 7 2018 (about 7 years ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
I used this low profile servo in a Tekno EB410. I used it at one night of practice and it stripped itself out. The servo before destruction worked well, however I thought it would take more abuse. 2 stars for being a nice piece but minus 3 for not lasting very long for a METAL GEAR SERVO.

UPDATE....I replaced this servo with a PROTEK PTK-160T. I highly recommend this servo over this particular SAVOX. The protek weighs ~6 grams less and comes with an aluminum servo horn. I had purchased it separately in the beginning and the price is basically the same in doing so. If you have a choice and what a better quality piece go with the protek.
Keith Thompson
Verified Owner
Monday, Feb 17 2025 (5 weeks ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
Pure garbage! Do not buy. I wish I read the reviews before buying. This servo only lasted around 5 minutes or so under normal use. No crash or binding. End points were set properly and gears just let go. A-main will not warranty even though it's still in the time limit, so I'm out over 100 dollars for a useless hunk of aluminum.
Barry Foster
Saturday, May 8 2021 (about 3 years ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
Very, Very disappointed. This servo lasted 30 minutes and then failed. The gears have already stripped. It was under minimal load and the EPA was set back to 70% on each side. I have NEVER owned a servo of this poor quality. This is the worst servo I have ever come upon. This servo is rated for 7.4v at 208.3oz-in torque and it is not able to handle a 4WD Buggy? NOW THAT IS APPALLING. EVEN MORE APPALLING IS SPENCER RIVKIN'S PICTURE ON THE SAVOX WEBSITE ENDORSING THIS BRAND. HOW DARE YOU PUT THIS SERVO IN A TEAM ASSOCIATED B6? So now we have pro drivers that are servo junk salesman. I thought I saw it all? And if you look at the reviews from 2018, I guess Savox hasn't fixed the issue with this servo.

UPDATE MAY 19, 2021: Savox has refused to replace a defective servo. They refused to trade it for an equally priced alternative. They claim they will replace the gears that stripped within 30 minutes of run time right out of the box. I know the gears will only strip again because it is a defective design. Now, Savox has refused to refund my $100 for the servo, so they have now stolen $100 from me and definitely should be held liable. They however feel they are not accountable for their actions. I would recommend to never purchase from Savox ever. Savox also clarified not to return the servo ever again if it failed as it just had.

UPDATE MAY 28, 2021: Savox returned this SB-2264MG and they misspelled the street name. The USPS package looked reasonably damaged on the outside from not being packed properly warranting a return. Savox was instructed NOT to return this servo to me because I clarified how I didn't want their junk servo anymore. When attempting to trade for the SB-2290SG, the servo Savox should have straight traded me for because of all the trouble they caused me, they basically laughed in my face. Amain hobbies has now raised the price of this servo. However, at the time it was roughly $40 more than the junk 2264MG. In a broad stroke of fraud, Savox wanted to charge me an ADDITIONAL $75 for this servo including trading the 2264MG, meaning I would have paid $35 more for the 2290SG from Saxox, than had I purchased it from Amain Hobbies! Boy, great scheme Savox! Your customers buy your junk servos, return them to be repaired, you upsell them another servo, profit, then profit again by reselling the junk servo back to another person. Then, you repeat this scheme over and over again.

Of course, should you be surprised that this scheme was created by JSP GROUP INTL BVBA, with headquarters at 2250 Olen, Belgium registered in the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen under number BE0432.051.757 with Mr. Stefan Engelen? So I put two and two together. Ah, those Europeans. Just like XRAY, they have treated me like a piece of excrement.
Sean Nunamaker
Monday, Nov 4 2024 (5 months ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
First of all, shame on me for not looking at the reviews prior to purchasing this servo. I have been running Savox mid to upper level servos exclusively for many years and have never had an issue. This servo however, and I bought 2 of them prior to the first install and failure, is not up their standard and I am guessing they know it. I installed the first one in my 22X4 and it made it for less than 2 practice packs on a glued clay track. No crashes and I assumed it was just a uniquely bad servo. I installed the second one at that point and made it through 2 more practice packs, one full heat, and half of the next before the same gear stripped. That was $220 absolutely wasted and I cannot say anything but shame on you Savox.

With all of the good luck I have had previously, I am going to give them a chance to respond to my emails and make it right. So far however, no response either by phone or email.

This servo does not even deserve one star!
Wednesday, Oct 31 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo
very cheap. bought this servo lasted a few batteries. when first installed to my eb48sl it seemed like a gear was stripped but problem went away when I put a metal servo horn on(would not return to center after turning and would not turn all the way back the other way). has a water proof seal on top and bottom so should be water proof. servo wire is to short so there is another $5 or void your warnty. the servo stop is just a plastic piece inside unlike other servos that have a plastic stop along with at the bottom of a gear there is a rod that will hit the end points. the plastic stopper is what broke in my servo it seems as there was nothing to keep the servo from turning further then it should(when i had problems with the servo it did not have strength to turn the wheels anymore). this servo can not be taken apart easily to get at the board and try and fix it. as far as i can see you can not take the board out without breaking it. all the gears are metal and it has rubber seals on both sides of the case but is not water proof. would not buy savox again with there crap support and a brand new servo dying after a few batteries. spend the extra $40 on a nice protek servo so you dont have to spend another $100-150 on a new servo in a week. also the plastic servo horn i had seemed to rub off some of the metal housing on top what seems like very cheap and weak metal.
Alejandro Melipillan
Monday, Sep 24 2018 (about 6 years ago)
Savox SB-2264MG Low Profile Digital "High Speed" Brushless Metal Gear Servo