RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set

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RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set
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Price: $89.99

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Blade Overview:

RotorTech blades are finely crafted premium carbon fiber rotor blades from Fun-Key Aeroplane Models. RotorTech blades are designed to be an all around powerful, efficient, well rounded performance oriented blade that will suite a large majority of flight styles from simple aerobatics, F3C, and extreme 3D flight. Additionally, RotorTech blades utilize a minimal amount of paint within the mold, while still providing excellent flight visibility. By using less weight on all of their blades, weight is saved on each set which offers a small boost in performance.

After months of testing, the team at RotorTech has delivered some of the best-feeling 580-sized blades available to date. Excellent stability, high collective lift, a very late stalling point, and crisp agility are features of the Ultimate Blade, which have been at the forefront of design since its inception. Additionally, featuring an incredible iridescently sparkling paint scheme, these blades offer a unique, updated look in the sky depending on where the sun may be at any given point of the day.

All RotorTech blades are precision balanced and matched at the factory, allowing pilots to bolt on and fly any set of RotorTech blades (main or tail) to their helicopter.


  • Length: 22.83in (580mm)
  • Width: in (59.5mm)
  • Root Size: in (12mm)
  • Hole Diameter: in (4mm)

This product was added to our catalog on November 27, 2020

John Hamel
Verified Owner
Saturday, Dec 18 2021 (about 3 years ago)
RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set
These work perfectly on my 7S Kraken 580. The 12mm root means no need for annoying blade spacers/washers. These blades perform much better than the SAB 570mm TBS blades that come standard with the Kraken 580 kit in pretty much all variables. Improved efficiency (slightly longer flight time), snappier on both cyclic and collective (reacts faster to stick inputs), better tracking on high speed passes, and improved stopping performance when doing rainbows (feel like mid air braking mechanism). The only thing they lack is the thrilling barking noise. I pair these blades with the RotorTech 96mm tail blades (I use the ultimate version for blade color matching) with the standard tail gear ratio (not the speedup pulley) and I don't have any issues with tail blowouts from 1900rpm to 2200rpm head speeds.
Matt C
Verified Owner
Monday, Feb 26 2024 (about a year ago)
RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set
I first tried RT Ultimates on my SAB Buddy and they made a huge difference. I put some of these on my Kraken 580, first think I could see is how much wider they are from the SAB 580 blades. They didn't make as huge of a impact as what I remember from the 385 blades but they do appear to allow me to run lower head speeds and still have the aggressive feel. The main con I saw was slightly less flight time compared to the stock blades which was expected when I saw how much wider they are.
Cory T
Verified Owner
Friday, Sep 1 2023 (about a year ago)
RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set
Great blades, absolutely beautiful in the sky. A little bit too big for the Align TRex 550X IMO. Great on the SAB tho.
Sung Man Jun
Verified Owner
Monday, Mar 21 2022 (about 3 years ago)
RotorTech 580mm "Ultimate" Flybarless Main Blade Set
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