RCPROPLUS D6/S6 Replacement Bullet Connector (10 Sets) (8~10AWG)

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RCPROPLUS D6/S6 Replacement Bullet Connector (10 Sets) (8~10AWG)
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Price: $28.99

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This is a package of ten sets of RCProPlus D6 & S6 Bullet Connectors. Over time the bullet connectors suffer damage from voltage sparks that deteriorate connectivity between female and male connectors. This is an excellent way to ensure your model is performing to the best standards possible!

Works with both D6 and S6 connectors. 

This product was added to our catalog on September 24, 2018

Frank Moradiellos
Verified Owner
Monday, Jul 8 2019 (about 5 years ago)
RCPROPLUS D6/S6 Replacement Bullet Connector (10 Sets) (8~10AWG)
I been using these connectors for the last 3 years and you just can't go wrong with them.