ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher

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ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
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The ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher is an accessory every RC enthusiast can benefit from. Magnetic hardware containers are a great way to organize hardware when building a new kit, or during routine maintenance. They are an invaluable accessory when sorting different screws by type and size, and will help prevent screws from rolling off your bench. Plus, they add a bit of magnetism to the screws making them easier to work with. But a magnetic bowl or tray style container takes up excess room in your tool box and they don't always allow you to keep your hardware sorted during the build. So we collaborated with Cow RC to create this magnetic screw catcher that is easy to pack, easy to haul, and useful for every RC discipline.

The convenient 5x9.75" size makes the ProTek Magnetic Screw Catcher easy to stash away in a variety of spaces. The screw catcher features die cut 1/4 inch tall foam, separated into eight 54x54mm spaces that make it easy to sort hardware and other small parts so they are within easy reach. The white vinyl surface is stain resistant and easy to clean with soap and water, and the white color makes small parts easy to identify. As an added bonus - the screw catcher is a perfect compliment to the ProTek RC 10x11" Magnetic Pit Mat (PTK-8152). When stacked together, they both fit perfectly inside the instruction manual/setup sheet pocket on the right side of the ProTek P-8 Hauler Bag (PTK-8000). So if you are serious about wrenching and have been looking for a product to help optimize your work space, the ProTek 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher is an affordable solution that every hobbiest can fit into their routine.

  • If the mat cannot be stored flat, store it in between two flat rigid surfaces to prevent warping.
  • Do not roll, fold or crease as this may cause irreversible damage.
  • To prevent staining, wipe the mat down after every use, and when needed wash with soap and water. A vinyl safe cleaner can be used for stubborn stains.
  • Metal filings, carbon fiber dust or mineral heavy dirt can damage the vinyl surface. Use a damp rag, and soft dabs to pick up contaminants without sweeping the material as this may scratch the vinyl. Metal shavings can be removed with masking tape, using light dabs to adhere the metal to the tape.
  • Loctite and thread lock will stain the vinyl. Clean immediately with a vinyl safe cleaner to avoid staining.
  • Tires, especially tires with traction additive applied may stain the surface. Clean the surface with a vinyl safe cleaner immediately to help prevent staining.
  • Hobby knives and razor blades will cut the mat.
  • Avoid exposure to heat, such as long term direct sunlight, a heat gun or soldering irons as extreme heat will cause the vinyl surface to bubble.

This product was added to our catalog on November 23, 2018

Alfredo Montero
Verified Owner
Thursday, Jun 27 2019 (about 5 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Good product it really helps out when you are building a kit. Helps you separate all your pieces and makes them easier to find when separated. Also works great when working on anything that has screws as you can keep them in one place, and u can also set them with all the parts you took out of one spot.
Troy Simmons
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Jan 1 2020 (about 5 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Great product! Very useful in the pit! Highly recommend!
Gori rider
Verified Owner
Tuesday, Jan 19 2021 (about 4 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Not the strongest magnet but holds onto all the little screws from your rig no problem. Be nice if it also magnetized for the bottom to stick to your work bench but that is nit picking. Bought a second one for my bike repair area. Keep the bolts in order so you don’t get a Screw loose.
Danny Andres Peraza
Verified Owner
Tuesday, Oct 6 2020 (about 4 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
this is a must, specially when you are doing quick maintenance during race day
daniel colwell
Verified Owner
Saturday, Jan 11 2025 (7 weeks ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
its a piece of foam with a cheap refrigerator magnet. It's got less magnetic strength than any magnetic I've ever seen. I would give this a 0/5 if it was an option. Don't waste your money.
Gary Pilkington
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Oct 16 2024 (5 months ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
This is a good little addition to my work station. Good size and the individual compartments make for easier organizing of parts. My only gripe is the lack of magnetic strength. It isn't bad, but it could be a bit stronger.
Carlos Vazquez
Verified Owner
Saturday, Jul 15 2023 (about a year ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Great product. I started ot use the same day that arrives. The magnet is strong with smalls screws and some close to 30mm, beyond that the magnet can let the screw go, but be careful if you put shims they're not easy to pickup. To have all screw organize not matter is build kit or give maintenance is valuable item any person need rc hobby
Ken M
Verified Owner
Sunday, Nov 13 2022 (about 2 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Makes disassembly organization less tedious. I may be getting a second for the bigger 1/5 scale jobs. Thanks again amain for the fast shipping.
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Apr 27 2022 (about 2 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
This certainly does the job but it's my backup tray. I prefer silicone trays.
Chelsea Wolfe
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Jan 5 2022 (about 3 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
Really convenient for bigger projects where I have lots of different parts I need to keep track of
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Apr 1 2020 (about 4 years ago)
ProTek RC 5x9.75" Magnetic Screw Catcher
This mat is now what I was expecting. The magnets are very weak to the point where if I bump the mat, screws will move around and can go flying everywhere. I would have made the magnet much stronger. My other issue is that the dividing walls of the tray are made of a soft foam. This is not something I'd pay more than a dollar or two for if I could do it again. You could make a better one for less money!