MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)

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MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
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Price: $130.99

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This is an MKS HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo with an Aluminum Upper Case. 


  • Torque:
    • @6.0V: 409.7 oz-in (28 kg-cm)
    • @7.4V: 506 oz-in (36.5 kg-cm)
    • @8.2V: 561.1 oz-in (38 kg-cm)
  • Speed:
    • @6.0V: 0.13 s
    • @7.4V: 0.11 s
    • @8.2V: 0.10 s
  • Weight: 75.45 g
  • Dimension: 40x20x45mm  
  • Working Voltage: 4.8 ~ 8.4 V DC Volts  (2S Lipo un-regulated)
  • Working Frequency: 1520?s / 333hz
  • Dead Band: 0.0008 ms (Default)
  • Bearing: Double bearings 
  • Motor: Coreless Motor
  • Gear: Titanium alloy gear

This product was added to our catalog on September 12, 2017

Mark Pry
Verified Owner
Monday, Mar 7 2022 (about 3 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
Same exact issue slow start changes speed MKS changed something now they want $15 more per servo and is junk. Check out Promodeler's servos my new goto servo. Mks was the standard now they seem to be on the path to extinct if they don't get this under control . I was told by Thomas at MKS that its me well the other 200 servos i bought had no issues.
Arthur Eastridge
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Oct 30 2019 (about 5 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
Very powerful servo for the price. I'm using this servo in two crawlers. A small tire Enduro and in my SSD trail king. My only complaint is that it sounds like a miniature outrunner motor. Is has a distinct high pitched whine that sounds like a revolver spooling up. Other than that it's been a solid performer. I'm sure the noise is non-issue for it's intended aviation use.
Michael Schulz
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Aug 28 2019 (about 5 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
These are excellent servos for a decent price. The posted specs on these servos are actually accurate!
The order placement, processing, and package delivery from A Main Hobbies was trouble-free.
Customer support during the transaction was also timely and helpful.
These servos are perfect for a 50cc airframe
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Mar 1 2023 (about 2 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
I am using the MKS, HV777+ servos in large acrobatic gas powered aircraft.

I have found these servos to perform flawlessly. The gear train is very smooth. The servo response time is very fast. Quality seems to be second to none.

I have had only positive experiences with them, and I am planning to install them in my next turbine project.

The folks at AMAIN Hobbies have always been helpful and getting me my orders processed quickly.
Donald Collins
Verified Owner
Friday, Dec 25 2020 (about 4 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
Just the like info says great service..........
Michael Foley
Verified Owner
Tuesday, Jan 25 2022 (about 3 years ago)
MKS Servos HV777A+ Coreless Titanium Gear High Torque Digital Servo (High Voltage)
I ordered 4 of these servos from Amain and 2 of them did not work correctly...they would start slow, like they were programmed to slow start. but then while moving them through the full range of motion they would randomly change speeds and even stop for no reason. They were not reliable. I had ordered 6 of them from another company and 3 of those were bad. They also would start slow and change speeds and stop randomly. I could not get MKS to respond to email or phone calls. So, I returned all of the MKS HV777A+ servos. I could not trust the ones that appeared to work after having a 50% failure rate with both my orders. Amain Hobbies refunded my money for all 4 servos. Amain is great to work with!!!! Thank you Amain Hobbies!!