JQRacing "THE Car" Spec-Q 1/8 Off-Road Nitro Buggy (Black Edition) (Pre-Built Roller)

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JQRacing "THE Car" Spec-Q 1/8 Off-Road Nitro Buggy (Black Edition)
Price: $599.99
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The JQ "THE Car" Spec-Q 1/8 Off-Road Nitro Buggy is a factory assembled version of the JQ Black Edition 1/8 buggy. The Car is built to the August 2017 Stock Setup specs, and even the body is precut to help get you on the track with less effort! Simply install the engine, electronics, wheels and tires of your choice, paint the body and get ready to race. This kit gives you peace of mind because all the setup adjustments have been made for you - camber, toe, droop, the shocks and diffs are built with the correct oils - even the throttle and brake linkage is pre-built and ready to go! If you have never tried a JQ buggy, now is your chance to pick up this great chassis and see what JQ Racing is all about!


  • Factory Assembled with Proven Setup
  • On power handling and stability
  • Smooth and easy, yet sufficient steering
  • Staying upright over bumps
  • High grip cornering

Needed to Complete:

  • 2-channel, 2-servo R/C System for cars
  • 21-class Engine & Tuned Pipe
  • Engine starting tools
  • Shock & Diff fluid
  • Air Filter fluid
  • Batteries for R/C system
  • Tires, Wheels, Inserts & CA Glue 
  • Fuel & Fuel Bottle
  • Polycarbonate Paint for Body
  • Tools for Assembly

This product was added to our catalog on November 20, 2017

Chris Essig
Verified Owner
Thursday, Aug 29 2019 (about 5 years ago)
JQRacing "THE Car" Spec-Q 1/8 Off-Road Nitro Buggy (Black Edition)
States ready to race .the alignment was super off , the right rear hub with the wheel tightened you would think wheel was loose . the inner bearing has so much slop I need a new hub .I contacted JQ racing and they did jack shit .Not even a response so after already dropping a reds 721 scuda in . I ordered a hub the bearing collar shim and another 50$ later its how it should have been .I spend a lot of money on high end cars the least you can have is customer service.I will not buy there car again or there products . Stick with Losi or serpent if you want a great built car worth its dollar . They really shipped this car with right rear axle moving up and down so bad you would think something is missing or broke .I haven't even broke in new motor .Will be selling a JQ roller soon .Do not waste your money !! To this day JQ still has not responded to any. emails. Jan 2020 what a joke