Gravity RC Liquid Gravity LG2 Foam & Rubber Tire Traction Compound (3oz)

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Gravity RC Liquid Gravity LG2 is recommended for foam tire asphalt, rubber tire TC, super grooved off road and long term tire conditioning. LG2 comes bottled in a plastic dauber bottle. 

This product was added to our catalog on March 29, 2017

Phillip Enriquez
Friday, Jan 28 2022 (about 3 years ago)
Gravity RC Liquid Gravity LG2 Foam & Rubber Tire Traction Compound (3oz)
This is a great sauce for asphalt tracks that are small to large and medium to high grip conditions. Would only use this sauce for track temps of 90-140F. You can usually use this on rubber TC and F1 Tires fully sauced for 10-20 minutes then wipe most sauce off with moist sauce rag and let air moist/dry for 5 minutes prior to using on track. This is an Odorless sauce and works great in outdoor conditions, just be carefull not to tip over the bottle when it's unscrewed