Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer

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Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
Price: $36.49
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This is the Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer. The Car Field Link is compatible with all Sidewinder Micro, Sidewinder 1/10, Mamba Max*, Mamba Max Pro, and Monster controllers.

Sometimes you need to make a change in the programming of a Castle controller and you just don't happen to have a laptop in your man purse. What to do? There's always the old stick programming method that we all love to hate. Yes it works, but...there has to be a better way. Now there is Field Link! Field Link allows you to modify the most commonly used settings in your Castle controller all at the touch of a single button. No computer needed (mostly). Simply connect the Field Link to the throttle lead of the controller and power the pair as described below. Click the button to scroll through and change the indicated settings. It doesn't get any easier! This card is also a Castle Link that allows access to the entire world of Castle tuning functionality.

Does it work without a computer or not?

Yes, mostly. The card is programmed to work with the latest controllers and software when it leaves the Castle workshop. It will work with all Castle Link compatible controllers running software released since 2007. Go to for more details. There is always a chance that Castle will upgrade the controller firmware down the road and that upgrade may require that the Field Link be upgraded too. That is easily accomplished, but it will require a computer running the latest version of Castle Link that is always available for free on the Castle website. Castle will also be happy to upgrade it for you if you send it to them in the mail.

Note: Field Link Card is capable of changing the following settings, however, the card cannot change settings on controller series that do not have these settings.

  • Cutoff voltage
  • Auto LiPo cutoff volts per cell (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5)
  • Drag brake
  • Brake strength
  • Punch control
  • Reverse type
  • Motor type
  • Motor timing and CHEAT mode

Length: 3.5" (89mm)
Width: 2.25" (57mm)
Height: .1875" (5mm)

* Mamba Max only connects using the throttle cable. You must upgrade the Mamba Max to software version 1.23 or higher with your Windows PC to enable throttle cable USB connectivity.

This product was added to our catalog on April 1, 2010

Flux nutz
Verified Owner
Friday, May 25 2012 (about 12 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
Got one of these for my FLUX (castle) powered firestorm. It worked flawlessly. A field programing card that doubles as a castle link? whats is not to love in that??. yes you can use not only as a program card, but also as a Castle link for dowloading settings from castle sofware on your computer to your ESC. Makes the original "castle link" kind of obsolete. works for any castle system, just make sure you have the latest software from the castle site and you are set. instructions are a little vague and it takes a few tries to go through the settings before you get the hang of it, but this thing is great. trackside adjustments are a snap. no more PC, easy peezy. great product and offers way more adjustment in the card than the Losi Excelorin Quick Programming Card (qpc) i have for another rig. this is a great product, a must have!
James Wolken
Verified Owner
Saturday, Jan 24 2015 (about 10 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
Very simple to use. Has more setting options than programming through the transmitter.
Verified Owner
Monday, Jan 14 2013 (about 12 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
A field programmer card that doubles as a Castle Link? Whats not to want?! This thing works great for on the fly programming changes and takes the hassle out of the dreaded yes-no ESC programming. If you need more advanced functions just plug it into your computer for a full fledged castle link system! Note: For some bizarre reason this field programmer WILL NOT work in its stand-alone mode with the Castle Link Quick Connect, the card in its stand-alone mode needs the BEC voltage from the ESC to work and the quick connect relies on a voltage from a castle link system to switch over properly. Not sure how things got engineered this way but the card will work just fine as a regular Castle Link with the Quick Connect.
Thursday, Jul 28 2011 (about 13 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
its cool too have on the go butt i only need it one time haha.
Monday, Apr 5 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
Got it, love it. Super easy trackside ESC program changes with no laptop.
Monday, Apr 5 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
This is a must have if you are doing anything from bashing to Racing... It is worth every penny!!!!
Thursday, Apr 1 2010 (about 14 years ago)
Castle Creations "Car" Field Link Programmer
A great tool to have at the track so you dont have lug the laptop around all the time.. It cant do everything that you can do on the computor but it is well worth the 26.00 just becasue you can now use it right at track side .. Great product took long enuff for them to get with the time's but Im glad they did..