Game Overview:
In a world devastated by a sudden zombie apocalypse, the familiar order crumbled, and ordinary individuals banded together to combat the infected menace. As survivors, you navigate the desolate cityscape in search of essential supplies, seeking retribution, and finding solace in camaraderie amidst the chaos. With the past left behind, the time has come to embrace the challenges, perils, and bonds forged in the face of adversity. Welcome to the thrilling world of ZOMBICIDE, where survival is paramount, and every decision shapes your destiny.
- (12) survivors
- (40) Walkers
- (16) Brutes
- (16) Runners
- (4) Abominations
- (6) survivor plastic dashboards, color bases, and ID Cards
- (48) plastic trackers
- (9) double-sided game tiles
- (107) mini-cards
- (6) dice
- (71) tokens
- (1) rule book
Needed to Complete:
- (14+) Years of age
- (1-6) Friends
- (1+) Hour for play
This product was added to our catalog on March 4, 2024