HobbyZone Ready-To-Fly Millennium PTU Flying Man

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HobbyZone Ready-To-Fly Millennium PTU Flying Man
Price: $26.99
Discontinued Online
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This is the futuristic, rotary-powered, ready-to-fly Millennium Personal Transport Unit (PTU) from HobbyZone. Is it a helicopter? Is it a robot? No, it’s the Millennium PTU! You’ve never seen anything like this before, a futuristic rotary powered Personal Transport Unit (PTU) that can be flown just about anywhere. Most helicopters require at least half of a basketball court to fly and maneuver, but the Millennium PTU can be flown in an 8’ x 8’ space!

Powering the Millennium PTU is a single-cell Li-Po battery pack controlled by a 2.4 GHz 2-channel radio system with digital trims. The 2.4 GHz technology is superior to infra-red, which is found in most other helis, because it isn’t affected by light or other interference.

  • A ready-to-fly, one box purchase— No assembly required!
  • 2.4 Ghz 2-channel radio system with digital trims so multiple PTU's can be flown at once
  • Functioning tail rotor smoothly controls steering
  • Advanced flight software keeps you headed in the right direction
  • Single-cell Li-Po battery pack with built-in charger provides extended flight time and makes charging a snap
  • Durable foam body is very hard to damage and easy to repair
  • Replacement parts available
  • Adjustable forward flight with tail boom sliding counterweight

This product was added to our catalog on October 8, 2007

Juan Carlos Sala
Verified Owner
Wednesday, Nov 21 2007 (about 17 years ago)
HobbyZone Ready-To-Fly Millennium PTU Flying Man
I've just receive my new PTU. Its a very good heli for beginners, very easy to fly.
Its only for indoor. -//- The Horizon Hobby Product Support Staff is awesome!!!!!...they are sending me a new PTU... -//- Hobbyzone contact me, and they will change the product as warranty.
Excellent. -//- I was very optimist about the ptu. Its a clear design, different ,not an heli body.
I have a problem since first flight. Charge the battery at full, and to fly!!!!...until the motor cuts and the ptu fall...review the system and again to fly!!!!!! and the motor cuts off and the ptu fall again...and again, again, again.... ......
I contact directly by email to hobbyzone explaining the problem (10 days ago) until now I don't receive any answer.
My ptu suffers many crashes that is inservible. Mi 2 years son plays with it like a boy doll.
Well...you decide