This is the one to get. The new 3 wire MyLaps RC4 will not work with a decoder running anything but the latest firmware - which coincidentally does not read MRT transponders. As a track owner, I will not upgrade the firmware as it would alienate any of my racers running MRT. I get why they did it - to kill the clone market - but at the cost of local track's business. The two wire RC4 Hybrid works great on ANY PT reading AMB timing systems, both before and after the MRT killing firmware update. It is smaller than the older AMB's and has a strong signal to the decoder loop. As others have said, wires are stiff, but they seem to hold up better than the original AMB transponders. Best transponder on the market currently IMO.
Excellent performance! If for any reason you are getting irregular lap recording, check the polarity of the plug into the receiver. It will "weakly" ground to the signal pin and not always send a signal when you cross the sensor. This will be when you have it in the receiver in reverse polarity. Remember, black wire = negative (-) pin.
so glad i bought my own transponder, so much easier and you dont have to hassle to get the rental one back in its spot. everything is great but one bad thing is the wires could be a little softer but thats not a big deal. love it i would so buy another one
I got this Transponder for My SWORKZ 350 BE-1 EVO Buggy... It came Highly recommended by the Track Employees @ my Off-Road track & I did not want the Issues with A RENTAL Transponder & the $10.00 Monthly RENTAL Fee my Track Charges all season long OR if you don't want to pay the Fee each month You got to take the Transponder out of your car @ the End of the day Racing & that's a pain to do after a day of racing...
This Transponder Powers-up every time when the On-Off switch on your car is turned on for your radio equipment... I like how the small RED LED Light on Top Of the Transponder Flashes to let you know your Transponder is working...I also like that this Transponder plugs right into a AUX / 3rd channel plug on your RX The Transponders wires are a bit on the stiff side wished the wires where more easer to work with So you have to be careful how you route the wires & not try to bend the wires too far... LAP after LAP this Transponder LOG's Each & Every LAP & Times on my buggy... I would recommend this Transponder to anyone that Off-Road Races on a daily weekend basis like me...
The only negative I have found (like others) is the wires are a bit on the stiff side. This thang is tiny compared to my old one lol! A transponder is a must if you are going to be serious about racing.
It worked as it should with no setup! A must have if you’re a racer.
The product is as advertised, very small footprint and couldn't be easier to install. My local track has no issues keeping my pace and I can't wait to try some other tracks around the country.
Works great for all tracks, haven't found one that didnt support it. Never had one go bad. Compact size is a plus also plug and play. Serious racers this is a must to have.
Great! I have installed one in my truck and buggy and one in my son's truck. I mounted them with a piece of Parma servo tape (that stuff holds wicked strong if you heat it with a heat gun briefly before application). No more borrowing house transponders and they all have at least 30 races on them with zero failures of any kind. The wires are a little stiff, and it is really hard to get them in and out of the holders (we don't use the holding bracket and instead mounted it straight to the chassis), but most hardcore guys will get one per car if they run multiple classes anyways. A great trick to do to move them from car to car easily is to simply use a little square of Velcro, which holds strong but is not a pain like the bracket it comes with. People talking about it not having an LED are not hooking it up correctly or are talking about a different unit. The Y logo on the top flashes when it is connected to power. Small, light, effective, reliable, and tough!
i bought one and was switching it throgh all my cars on race day, well eventually the wires will break from that. so buy one for each car. the bad thing is when it breaks amb will not reply to any emails for repairs. i would rather get the wires fixed rather than buy a new one. like i said buy on for each car which is what i will be doing.
Works great and smaller than the older AMBrc Transponders
only thing im concerned with is the wires are quite stiff compared with the old amb type transponder hopefully they dont break as the seem to be single stranded, only time will tell -//- i have one of these and it has a flashing red led right in the middle of it , i run mine out of the holder and its easy to see , might be harder through the holder but im sure its right where the logo is
What's not to like? More versatile, smaller and less money, 'nuff said.
Worked beautifully, Out the package right it to a car.
I'm still racing with it in 2025! great! Works forever!
This is the best two wire version ... ive never had this one drop a lap like the one in the compact case.
Works fine but WAY overpriced, especially when mylaps price gouges us on the old style 2 wire transponder that works at most tracks. So I will be buying the MRT copy from eBay from now on that works at most tracks.
The product works perfectly, but is now too expensive. I will be looking for cheaper alternatives going forward.
I have purchased a few of these for my cars, haven't had any issues. "Werks Gud"
It’s really sad how expensive these have become.. especially for some of the entry level spec classes, the transponder cost is just as much as a whole car kit.